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Getting to the Point: the Importance of Pencils

Getting to the Point: the Importance of Pencils

Getting to the Point: the Importance of Pencils

At Pen Heaven we hold love in our hearts for each and every type of writing instrument out there. From ballpoints and rollerballs, to quills and brushes, there is a role for every implement you can think of, and each is deserving of its own special place in your writing arsenal. There is one tool in particular, however, that for too long has gone without the recognition that we feel it deserves: the humble, ubiquitous, illustrious pencil.

Much more than just second fiddle to the mighty pen, the pencil’s history is a story worth telling. While the earliest writing instruments date back around 5000 years, pencils have only been with us since 1795. This was the year that Nicholas-Jacques Conte, a scientist serving in Napoleon’s army, officially patented his rudimentary wood and graphite invention and revolutionised the written word: for now, with the help of an eraser, it was possible to quickly and cleanly remove one’s writing from the page, rather than untidily scoring it out or attempting to scratch it off the paper.

This special characteristic is of course what makes the pencil the writing tool of choice for many children (accident-prone as they are!) But the pencil should not be considered childish by any means: carpenters, musicians, artists and mathematicians all know that for some jobs the pencil reigns supreme. Here are just a few of our pencil picks for any and every occasion:


Everyday Use

Caran d'Ache 844 Brut Rose Mechanical Pencil

Caran d'Ache 844 Brut Rose Mechanical Pencil

Cross Classic Century Lustrous Chrome Pencil

Cross Classic Century Lustrous Chrome Pencil

 Parker Jotter Stainless Steel Chrome Trim Mechanical Pencil 0.5mm

Parker Jotter Stainless Steel Chrome Trim Mechanical Pencil 0.5mm

Looking for a good all-rounder? For a multi-purpose pencil you’ll want something that takes a 0.7mm HB lead, is light-weight, travel-friendly and reliable. Allow us to recommend the Caran d'Ache 844 Mechanical Pencil, with its distinctive hexagonal barrel and durable yet comfortable aluminium construction; or the Classic Century from Cross - smarter, sleeker, and just a little bit retro. For those who prefer a slightly finer line, the Parker Jotter mechanical pencil is just as smart in stainless steel with a chrome trim, but takes a smaller 0.5mm lead.

Artistic Endeavours

Kaweco Sketch Up Brass Clutch Pencil

Kaweco Sketch Up Brass Clutch Pencil

Worther Shorty Soft-Grip Pencil Mint Green

Worther Shorty Soft-Grip Pencil Mint Green

Drawing or sketching is a very tactile affair - the artist should feel their pencil operating as an extension of their own body. For most people this means a good pencil should have substance; it should announce its presence in your hand and on the page. With that in mind, you might want to try Kaweco’s Sketch Up Clutch pencil - a hefty little thing that, though chunky, is still small enough to be perfectly portable. Alternatively, try the Worther Shorty, a cult favourite among many artists and craftspeople, loved for its 3mm 7B lead, super soft grip and utterly charming colourful appearance.

Back to School

LAMY safari Blue Pencil

LAMY safari Blue Pencil

TWSBI Precision RT Matt Silver 0.7mm Mechanical Pencil

TWSBI Precision RT Matt Silver 0.7mm Mechanical Pencil

Do you remember the day in school that you finally graduated from pencil to pen? A proud day for many - even if it could be argued that this culture has contributed to the unfair maligning of the pencil… It’s important that a young person is given all the help and support they can be when learning to write. To that end, you may wish to try them with something ergonomically designed with a comfortable grip, a nice long barrel and a pleasing weight in the hand. Take a look at the LAMY safari pencil, or TWSBI Precision - with one of these they’ll have their pen license before you know it.

Getting Technical

Platinum Pro-USE MSD 1500B 0.5mm Pencil

Platinum Pro-USE MSD 1500B 0.5mm Pencil

Rotring 800 Black Mechanical Pencil

Rotring 800 Black Mechanical Pencil

Architects and engineers, don’t worry - we haven’t forgotten about you! For those who require the utmost precision in their technical drawings, might we suggest either the Platinum Pro-USE MSD 1500B, or the Rotring 800. Both make use of extra fine 0.5mm leads, a defined tactile grip, and an elongated tip for unparalleled accuracy. That they both look incredibly stylish is simply an added bonus!